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Good post and like the Clayton Christensen reminder.

I will take this opportunity post my view of the future which carries the caveat that I am London based.

"China plc's Yuan transnational status will rise with the official launch of the DCEP.

China's national / international / belt & road economies of scale would offer enormous "leverage" in the global markets when China accepts BTChuobi / BitcoinHuobi as an asset class held / traded on YuanDuihuan [.com] {元兑换} RMBduihuan [.com] {RMB兑换}”

I hold the above registration for development with a China centric group, as your aware huobi is a generic term, although I remember having to block a trade mark attorney claiming [USTPO] that Huobi had no foreign meaning.

The transnational Yuan goes beyond a protectionist mindset and offers the opportunity to develop a realtime copy of the official BOC information on/offshore without transgressing the PRC rules.

Establishing a presence for BTC offshore & onshore in the future

This is my plan when I can find a China centric team

Grateful for your comment/s

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